- Pay the 2013 property taxes due in December 2012.
- Take advantage of all Tax Provisions that expire by year-end this year instead of next year.
- Realize capital gains by year end.
- Bunch all medical deductions, if you can, in one year.
- Selling capital assets this year.
- Etc...
Monday, November 26, 2012
Year end tax saving tips
Year-end tax savings tips

Hit Counter
We all want to save in taxes and there are few suggestions:
Why this can be beneficial?
It will all depend on your income, the new tax changes, and the expiring provisions coming into next year. They are talks about a raise in the tax rates, expiration and elimination of some tax provisions, and higher income thresholds. Everything is on the table for congress next month and there is speculation of a compromise.
Hire an Accountant or a Tax Attorney to see how these could impact your taxes.
Monday, November 5, 2012
IRS factors to consider by courts in determining whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor
The IRS defines an "employee" for employment tax purposes as "any individual who, under the usual common law rules applicable in determining the employer-employee relationship, has the status of an employee." The facts that provide evidence can fall in three major categories: Behavioral Control; Financial Control; and Types of Relationship.
What fators weight more than others?
Under common law rules, prior court cases had placed emphasis on the direct control and the method and manner in which the work is to be done.
Few of the many factors the IRS consider are:
1- the degree of control exercised by the principal;
2-whch party invests in the work facilities used by the worker;
3-the opportunity of the individual for profit or loss;
4-whether the principal can discharge the individual
5-whether the work is part of the principal's regular business;
6-the permanency of the relationship;
7-whether the worker is paid by the job or by the time;
8-the relationship the parties believed they were creating;
9-the provision of employee benefits;
10-training provided by the employer;
11-set hours of work;
12-doing work on the employer's premises;
13-furnishing tools and materials;
14-worker not making his/her services available to the general public on a regular and consistent basis;
15-requiring the worker to submit oral or written reports;
16-requiring the worker to provide the job on a sequence or order set by the employer;
17-a requirement that the work be performed personally;and
18-any other factors that the court determine relevant and based on the evidence presented under the circumstances.
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) have their own set of rules in their determination. For a clear understanding of the man factors, you must consult the TWC, IRS regulations.
Source(s): various IRCs like Sec 3121 and Sec. 3003.
May want to consult your tax attorney.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
TAX CREDIT- Do you took advantage of this Tax Credit?
Expanded Work Opportunity Tax Credit- Available for Hiring Qualified Veterans:
The VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 added two new categories to the existing qualified veteran targeted group and made the WOTC available to certain tax-exempt employers as a credit against the employer’s share of social security tax.
The Act allows employers to claim the WOTC for veterans certified as qualified veterans and who begin work before January 1, 2013.
As high as $9,600 per qualified veteran for for-profit employers or up to $6,240 for qualified tax-exempt organizations. The credit will also depend on a number of factors, including the length of the veteran’s unemployment before hire, the number of hours the veteran works, and the veteran’s first-year wages. However, the amount of the credit for qualified tax-exempt organizations may not exceed the organization’s employer social security tax for the period for which the credit is claimed.
All employers must obtain certification that an individual is a member of the targeted group, before the employer may claim the credit.
An eligible employer must file Form 8850, Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity Credit, with their respective state workforce agency within 28 days after the eligible worker begins work.
The Form due date was June 19, 2012, for veterans hired on or after Nov. 22, 2011, and before May 22, 2012. The 28-day rule will again apply to eligible veterans hired on or after May 22, 2012.
SOURCE: http://www.irs.gov
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
2012 Tax Calendar
Let's look at what is due on the last week of August 2012:
August 29, 2012:
- Deposit Payroll tax for payments on August 22-24 if the semiweekly deposit rules appplies.
August 31, 2012:
- File Form 730 and pay tax on wagers accepted during July.
- File Form 2290 and pay the tax for vehicles first used during July.
- Deposit payroll tax for payments on August 25-28 if the semiweekly deposit rules applies.
Monday, August 27, 2012
IRS Compliance
The IRS has increased their compliance efforts to close the estimated tax gap of $345 billion dollars, so taxpayers should expect more scrutiny from the IRS. With the help of technology and data mining, the IRS have many tools at their disposal to inquire about out of the ordinary and complex transactions than in the past. The most common issues are automatic non-matching documents and the like as we moved to use e-filing tax returns and documents. The IRS issues non compliance letters for multiple reasons and many have specific numbers requiring careful attention by the taxpayer and tax preparer. CPAs and tax professionals must stay current on best practices to help taxpayers deal with these issues.
The IRS commissioner, Doug Shulman, said in May of this year that the IRS created an office of compliance data analytics that help determine possible non compliance tax returns.
Be prepare, keep good records, and consult a tax professional or CPA if you receive an IRS notice.
Source: IRS.gov
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Items free of Sales Tax...read
In 2012, Texas shoppers get a break from state and local sales taxes on Aug. 17, 18 and 19 — the state's annual tax holiday. Lay-away plans can be used again this year to take advantage of the sales tax holiday.
As in previous years, the law exempts most clothing, footwear, school supplies and backpacks priced under $100 from sales and use taxes, which could save shoppers about $8 on every $100 they spend.Backpacks under $100 and used by elementary and secondary students are exempt. A backpack is a pack with straps one wears on the back. The exemption during the sales tax holiday includes backpacks with wheels, provided they can also be worn on the back like a traditional backpack, and messenger bags.
The exemption does not include items that are reasonably defined as luggage, briefcases, athletic/duffle/gym bags, computer bags, purses or framed backpacks. Ten or fewer backpacks can be purchased tax-free at one time without providing an exemption certificate to the seller.No exemption certificate is required - with one exception.
If the purchaser is buying the supplies under a business account, the retailer must obtain an exemption certificate from the purchaser certifying that the items are purchased for use by an elementary or secondary school student. “Under a business account” means the purchaser is using a business credit card or business check rather than a personal credit card or personal check; being billed under a business account maintained at the retailer; or is using a business membership at a retailer that is membership based.
A word of caution: If you sell items that do not qualify for the exemption, you may not advertise or promise that you will pay your customers' sales tax. You are prohibited from advertising that you will not collect sales tax on items that do not qualify, but you may advertise that tax is included in the sales price of the taxable items that you sell.
Monday, July 9, 2012
IRS revised rules is making more flexible terms to its Offer-in-Compromise Program so that some financially distressed taxpayers can clear up their tax problems quicker.
What is an offer-in-compromise (OIC)?
An OIC is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS that settles the taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. The IRS looks at the taxpayer’s income and assets to determine the reasonable collection potential.
This initiative focuses on the financial analysis used to determine which taxpayers qualify for an OIC.
Here are some of the changes:
- Reducing the number of years in the calculation for a taxpayer’s future income.
- Reducing the time it will take to paid in full the amount due.
- Allowing taxpayers to repay their student loans Minimum payments on college student loans guaranteed by the federal government.
- Allowing taxpayers to pay state and local delinquent taxes.
- Expanding the Allowable Living Expense allowance for basic necessities for citizens in similar geographic areas.
More information on the “Fresh Start” initiative can be found at IRS.gov. or from your CPA professional of choice.
(Source: http://www.IRS.gov)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Comming up IRS tax Due Dates...
TAX DUE DATES- up to June 15, 2012
June 8, 2012-
- Deposit payroll tax for payments on June 2-5 if the semiweekly deposit rule applies.
June 11, 2012-
- Employees are required to report to employers tips of $20 +earned durng May 2012.
June 13, 2012-
- Deposit payroll tax for payments on June 6-8 if the semiweekly deposit rule applies.
June 15, 2012-
- Employers must deposit payroll tax for May if the monthly deposit rule applies.
- Corporations are required to deposit the second installment of 2012 estimated tax.
- Deposit payroll tax for payments on June 9-12 if the semiweekly deposit rule applies.
- Individuals outside the U.S. must file 2011 Form 1040.
- Individuals pay the second installment of estimated tax for 2012.
Source: IRS.gov
Monday, June 4, 2012
Filing a Federal Tax Return is Voluntary?
This is one of the many frivoulous tax arguments of non-filers.
Some taxpayers assert that they are not required to file federal tax returns because the filing of a tax return is voluntary. Proponents of this contention point to the fact that the IRS itself tells taxpayers in the Form 1040 instruction book that the tax system is voluntary. Additionally, these taxpayers frequently quote Flora v. United States, 362 U.S. 145, 176 (1960), for the proposition that "[o]ur system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint."
The Law: The word “voluntary,” as used in Flora and in IRS publications, refers to our system of allowing taxpayers initially to determine the correct amount of tax and complete the appropriate returns, rather than have the government determine tax for them from the outset.
Any taxpayer who has received more than a statutorily determined amount of gross income is obligated to file a return. Failure to file a tax return could subject the non-complying individual to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, as well as civil penalties.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Important Employer Tax Forms
This IRS form is called "Employment Eligibility Verification" form and must be completed for each newly hired employee employee to demostrate the employer's compliance with the law and the employee's work authorization in the U.S.A.
Source: http://www.irs.gov/
Author Comments:
They are other compliance issues along with the completion of this form, so consult your Tax Accountant (CPA) for additional information.
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